Laser Cut 3mm Tools Themed Pack of 9 Shapes

Product Code: C11 - 9 Pieces - SC
Availability: In Stock
Dimension (W x H):
3.00 mm x 50.00 mm
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Laser Cut 3mm Tools Themed Pack of 9 Shapes

Pack of Tools Themed Shapes

Set of 9 Etched Shapes 

Bolt, Saw, Pliers, Drill, 2x Screwdrivers, Hammer, Spanner and Ratchet.

Approx 50mm Size each

(Some shapes maybe slightly smaller or slightly bigger, please bare this in mind when ordering)

The perfect craft shape for any tool or D.I.Y. themed craft makes.

Very versatile shapes which is great for all occassions

Laser cut 3mm MDF

 All of our items are laser cut and etched in great detail for a more defined item.
Great item for home crafting or professional crafting.

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